Need help with unknown column in where clause error

Any idea why I’m getting the error of, “Unknown column ‘ID’ in where clause” when I don’t even mention ID in the where clauses at all? This really has me stumped! Especially since the code works fine when I run it in Querious for the Mac.


	, m.dateAdded AS sortDate
	, concat(firstName, ' ', lastName) as senderName
	, m.type
	, m.message
	, 'Online' as source
	, case when dateDiscovered is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as discovered
	, case when dateViewed is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as viewed
	, upgradeNeeded
	FROM users u
	INNER JOIN messagesOnline m
	ON u.uID = m.senderID
WHERE date(dateAdded) = '$statDate'
	, dateAdded AS sortDate
	, concat(firstName, ' ', lastName) as senderName
	, type
	, message
	, 'Offline' as source
	, case when dateDiscovered is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as discovered
	, case when dateViewed is not null then 'Yes' else 'No' end as viewed
	, upgradeNeeded
	FROM messagesOffline
WHERE date(dateAdded) = '$statDate'
ORDER by sortDate desc

That’s odd - it sounds almost like your sql engine is trying to apply the union along with the where clause.

Perhaps, as an off the wall test, wrap the two selects with parenthesis?

yes, i have an idea – the query you posted isn’t the same one that produced the error message

run the query outside of php to see :slight_smile:

[quote=“DaveMaxwell, post:2, topic:100370, full:true”]Perhaps, as an off the wall test, wrap the two selects with parenthesis?
[/quote]please, no need to get all hackish on us :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (closest I can get to a raspberry).

I didn’t mean it that way, but if it worked, it’s an issue with the db layer/engine being used, not in the query itself.