Need Help with Php array problem

Yesterday I hurriedly finished solving a user’s problem and uploaded the rough answer. I am convinced there must be a more elegant solution to handle $sColor than the following:

// associate color with search word
  foreach( $aSrchs as $id => $sSrc):
    $x[$sSrc] = $aClrs[$id];
    $y[ $aClrs[$id] ] = $sSrc;
  // fred($x, '$x');

// step through $aWords
  $aResult = [];
  foreach( $aWords as $word ): // Say ye to the righteous
    if( $i2=in_array($word, $y) ):
      $sColor = $x[ $word ]; // integer
      $aResult[] = '<b style="color:' .$sColor .';">'  .$word  .'</b>';      
      $aResult[] = $word;      

Complete solution can be found here:
Online Demo

I would be grateful for more succinct solutions.

iPad mini 2 rendering is horrible and will rectify when back on the desktop.

1 Like

This is my stab at it. It recycles the colors that is assigned to the words when the number of matched words is greater than the colors available.

function highlight($text, array $words, array $colors, $ignoreCase = false, $format = '<b style="color:%s">%s</b>')
    $wordToColor = [];
    $colorIdx = 0;

    $re = '~\\b('.implode('|', $words).')\\b~';
    if ($ignoreCase) {
        $re .= 'i';

    return preg_replace_callback($re, function ($m) use ($colors, $format, &$wordToColor, &$colorIdx) {
        $word = $m[0];

        if (!isset($wordToColor[$word])) {
            $wordToColor[$word] = $colors[$colorIdx];
        $colorIdx = $colorIdx < count($colors) - 1 ? $colorIdx + 1 : 0;

        $color = $wordToColor[$word];

        return sprintf($format, $color, $word);
    }, $text);

$text = "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die.";
$words = ['tannhäuser', 'orion', 'fire', 'tears', 'rain' ,'die'];
$colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
$format = '<span style="color:%s;">%s</span>';

$hl = highlight($text, $words, $colors, true, $format);

echo <<< EOF_HTML
  <!doctype html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">

Many thanks for the script, ìt looks good and I look forward to trying it tomorrow.

This morning I had another attempt and made a much cleaner version which I uploaded and the modifications can be seen in the latest version.


Updated Link

I have tried to understand your function but it seems far too complicated for my liking :frowning:

function highlight(
  string $text, 
  array  $words, 
  array  $colors, 
  bool   $ignoreCase = false, 
  string $format     = '<b style="color:%s">%s</b>'
    $wordToColor = [];
    $colorIdx = 0;

    $re = '~\\b('.implode('|', $words).')\\b~';
    if ($ignoreCase) {
        $re .= 'i';

    return preg_replace_callback
      function ($m) use 
        $colors, $format, &$wordToColor, &$colorIdx
        $word = $m[0];

        if ( ! isset($wordToColor[$word]) ) {
            $wordToColor[$word] = $colors[$colorIdx];
        $colorIdx = $colorIdx < count($colors) - 1 ? $colorIdx + 1 : 0;

        $color = $wordToColor[$word];

        return sprintf($format, $color, $word);

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