Need help in converting json to xml

hi evryone,

I need help in converting json to xml…need a javascript librarry
If not what is the alternative way of doing it?

You need to create a XML Document Object or XML string is enough?

thanks for the reply…
can you tell, how to create xml string?

Here is a function that converts arbitrary JSON objects to XML:

 * JSON to XML
 * @param {Object} JSON
json2Xml = function(json, node) {

 var root = false;
 if (!node) {
  node = document.createElement('root');
  root = true;

 for (var x in json) {
  // ignore inherited properties
  if (json.hasOwnProperty(x)) {

   if (x == '#text') { // text
   } else  if (x == '@attributes') { // attributes
    for (var y in json[x]) {
     if (json[x].hasOwnProperty(y)) {
      node.setAttribute(y, json[x][y]);
   } else if (x == '#comment') { // comment
   // ignore

   } else { // elements
    if (json[x] instanceof Array) { // handle arrays
     for (var i = 0; i < json[x].length; i++) {
      node.appendChild(json2Xml(json[x][i], document.createElement(x)));
    } else {
     node.appendChild(json2Xml(json[x], document.createElement(x)));

 if (root == true) {
  return this.textToXML(node.innerHTML);
 } else {
  return node;


The process is documented here: