Need help displaying data

Hi folks,

I have a list of gigs for a band that I want to display. The gig data will consist of the name of the gig, address, etc.

I know how to store that in the database and select it, but I want to display each gig as a list item under a heading of the MONTH that the gig is in. Like this:


  • Gig 1
  • Gig 2
  • Gig 3

In the database I have a table named “gigs” that contains all the data, including a field for the month. I also have another table named “months” that contains all 12 months. So in my query I write “select all the data from both tables where gigs.month = months.month”. This links each gig with it’s proper month and only retrieves months that have gigs in them. But after that, I’m hitting a road block on how to display each gig under each month, and not show any months where there aren’t any gigs. I have a while loop:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	echo '<h4>' . $row['month'] . '</h4>';	
	echo '<p>' . $row['day'] . ', ' . $row['month'] . ' ' . $row['gig_date'] . ' - ' . $row['gig_name'] . ' - ' . $row['gig_time'] . '<br/>';
	  echo $row['address'] . '<br/>';
	  echo $row['phone'];

Unfortunately this gives me:


  • Gig 1


  • Gig 2


  • Gig 3


  • Gig 4

etc., and I want all gigs per month to under that month’s header.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Keep track of the current month being displayed and show the month header only when the month changes.