Need a simple loop for web page title

I converted my simple website to PHP, using an include for the header, etc. Can someone show me how to write the code for a loop so that the web page title reflects the proper page, not just the Home page. I did a search and haven’t found anything. I’m assuming this is just a couple lines of code. My site is Thank you.

There are a couple of different ways and the simplest would be to use switch.

Use a variable something like $page = ‘index’; $page = ‘contact’; etc. at the top of each page.

In your include page use:

switch ($page) {
     case 'index':
         $title = 'Index page';
		 $metatag = 'Some metatags';
     case 'contact':
         $title = 'Contact us';
		 $metatag = 'Some metatags';
        $title = 'Index page';
		$metatag = 'Some metatags';

Then in your pages have:

<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

You can use the same method for the meta tags etc.

Thanks. I look forward to checking it out.

Nice site, I like the colour scheme.

Thank you very much.:slight_smile:

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Thank you, I figured it out.

Well done, but tell us how you did it.

Sure, I followed Rubble’s directions exactly. I put the below statement in my header include page.

<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
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