Name That Tune Phase One Winners Announced!

The results are in. Name that Tune Phase One winners are:

First place: xhtmlcoder for entry #5
Second place: itmitica for entry #1
Third place: technobear for entry #2

What! No titles! That’s right.

It’s time for YOU to Name that Tune in Phase Two of our contest. Details here!

I’m managing a pretty good e-library here. :slight_smile:

Next on my list: PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 5th Edition. YAY!

Congrats to the winners. Thank you Linda for the contest, thank you Sarah and thank you SitePoint for your generosity!

A big fat congrats to all!

Congratulations, guys. :slight_smile:

I would say something witty but that would “spoil” part two for those whom are still guessing what was entering own minds when we took the photos and wrote the text. :wink:

Congratulations to both Mitică (showing competitive spirit for bothering to enter and hence was rewarded for applying effort) and the Bear for entertaining us somewhat.

Anyway Bear, what what do teetotal bears drink out of: “I :heart: HTML” cups when they celebrate? :smiley:

Congratulations xhtmlcoder on your achievement. :slight_smile:

Fairtrade organic cocoa, when they can get it, otherwise Fairtrade coffee. Bears are big on Fairtrade, you know. :wink: I’ll use my mug with pride and promise to toast your good health with the first drink. :slight_smile:

Or whisky.

Not teetotal bears, @Stomme_poes. :lol: Too much of the stuff must be affecting your cognitive abilities. :smiley:

Congrats and Best wishes to all :slight_smile: