MySQL says my 'Array' is not an array !? Please help

I produced these 3 lines of code and expected it to have created an array with 4 columns and 16 rows

$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','sharediary';

$sql = "SELECT `tax_year`, `payment_number`, `company_name`, SUM(dividend_payable) FROM `shareholding` GROUP BY company_name, tax_year, payment_number WITH ROLLUP";

$records = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);

And indeed I can display the resuts in a browser using

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($records))
echo "<tr>";
		echo "<td>".$row['tax_year']."</td>";
		echo "<td>".$row['payment_number']."</td>";
		echo "<td>".$row['company_name']."</td>";
		echo "<td>".$row['SUM(dividend_payable)']."</td>";
		echo "</tr>";
Et Cetera

within an html table

But then I needed to do some tweaking of the layout but this relied on $record being an array,
but it appears that MySQL does not think it is an array ??? Here is the storyā€¦

I googled around and found 4 methods to display the contents of an array
the first 3 viz. print_r, a user defined function based on print_r and vardump
told me that there are 4 columns and 16 rows which would be true,
but they did not display the contents of my supposed array.
When I tried a 4th method viz. a ā€˜for loopā€™ thus,

for ($i=0;$i<count($records);$i++) {echo $records($i);}

MySQL coughed up an error message ā€¦

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in C:\xampp\htdocs\showonscreen2.php on line 76

So I tried this as a kind of debugging toolā€¦
if (!is_array($records)) {echo ā€œNo, Iā€™m not an arrayā€;}
and it did indeed echo to screen the bad news ā€œNo, Iā€™m not an arrayā€

$records is resource. Use mysqli_num_rows($records).

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Relational databases are designed as being rows of columns, essentially two-dimensional arrays. However I have never heard of databases being referred to as arrays. It would be totally appropriate however for a language to contain database data in an array. Are you sure it is MySQL saying it is not an array? I assume it is PHP.

In order to do this:

for ($i=0;$i<count($records);$i++) {echo $records($i);}

you must first download the results. as @igor_g said above, $records is effectively a pointer to a set of results, and you must extract the results from it. You could do something as easy as

$results = mysqli_fetch_all($records);
for ($i=0;$i<count($results);$i++) {echo $results[$i]['company_name');}

or something like it, keeping in mind that $results is a two-dimensional array, so you canā€™t just access $results[num].


Dear Igor and dropsnoot,

Thanks for providing clues and details.
I see php has over 700 functions and recognising their practical uses is not easy.

I can now see that my 3 lines for connect, select, query produce a RESOURCE variable called $records,
until you mentioned this I had mistaken $records for an array.
I was surprised to discover that your solution for copying itā€™s contents to an array called $row is a one liner viz.

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_all($records))

Now at last Iā€™ve been able to ā€˜seeā€™ the contents of my array using print_r, vardump and
an inner do while nested within an outer do while.

In coding the nested do while it dawned on me how different php is to dbIII+/BASICA.
Specifically, that a php array is not dimensional and doesnā€™t need to be defined
but is a dynamically allocated array of arrays!

This is a bit of a pain for me as the way I set the max/escape value on my 2 do while counters seems a bit lame viz.
count($content[0]) for the outer loop and
count($content[0][0]) for the inner loop

Is there a better way to discover the ā€˜dimensionsā€™ of an array ?

Not knowing a basic fact about php is frustrating for newbies like me.
Overcoming this weakness is difficult because the on-line tutorials concentrate
on drip feeding instead of providing a helicopter view of the bigger picture.
It may help the next newbie to watch this guy as he tries to be more enyclopaedic.
ā€˜clevertechieā€™ on youtube see ā€¦

Not to discover the dimensions - count is the way to do that - but you can iterate through the array using foreach(), which can make things simpler:

foreach ($content as $key => $row) { 
   echo $row['company_name'];

Note that in this bit of code:

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_all($records))

the while() loop is redundant, and is making things worse for you. You are creating an array called $content, and then within an element of that array, you are putting the two-dimensional array that is returned by mysqli_fetch_all(), so you end up with another level of array that you donā€™t need. I suspect you are confusing it with:

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($records))

which would build up an array called $content, where every element contains a result row. But thatā€™s what mysqli_fetch_all() does in a single function call.

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Yes I wondered why a 3rd level with only 1 element had mysteriously appeared in my array.

And yes I was using that whileā€¦fetch_array as a model for my whileā€¦fetch_all

php certainly isnā€™t literal or intuitive !
Also old habits die hard. I keep thinking procedurally, processing records one by one instead of thinking in sets.

Iā€™m currently looking at functions people have devised to determine the dimensions of an array. There seem to be a few ideas on stackoverflow, although how they work is not clearly explained.

fetch_array fetches a row as an array.
fetch_all fetches all rows as an array of arrays.

I meanā€¦ itā€™s pretty literal.
What would you have called them?

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An unspecified array does not have ā€˜dimensionsā€™. It has a dimension - length.


Is a valid array declaration. You canā€™t define a size for a second dimension to the outer array.

If youā€™re specifically creating a rectangular array-of-arrays (Matrix), that is a user-defined constraint, not a language based one.

Well, thatā€™s OK too. Use your loop

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($records)) {
   // do whatever you like with the single-dimension array $row

and handle each row / record one at a time.

Before you spend a lot of time doing that, why do you need the dimensions of the array?

Dear m_hutley and dropsnoot,
Youā€™ve given me a lot to think about and work with, thank you.
Itā€™ll take me a few days to process it.

Beware that PHP is not a new language and was originally created to make the interface between PHP and HTML web pages easier. Default sloppy undeclared types can now be overridden on a file wide basis by the following statement immediately after opening the PHP file:


// also useful for local debugging
error_reporting(-1); // set maximum error reporting
ini_set('error_reporting', 'true'); display errors to screen

// try this and notice the error produced
ini_set('display_errors', true);
// Reason:
// without declaring strict types PHP has inbuilt "type juggling" 
// PHP takes a guess at the correct parameter type. 
// Guessing takes unnecessary processing time 
// which causes PHP to execute sluggishly.

// a couple of functions I frequently use are:
// count(...);
// get_type(...);
// is_int(...);
// is_array(...);
// is_bool(...);

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