My text keeps zooming on mobile?

On a computer, the texts in the < h1 > in the < div id=“content” > section looks fine, but on mobile it makes most of them big. it’s driving me insane. I’ve tried so many things and nothing is working. For example, The stats h1 looks normal on mobile, yet the affies right next to it looks big.

It’s driving me insane. Please help me!

This is what it looks like on my phone:

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This is what mine looks like on mobile. I have an iPhone, what do you have? Yours doesn’t look right either, but it’s better than mine lol

My phone is an old ZTE. Mine seriously shouldn’t look better. I spent an hour with one of the mods here trying to figure why I’m not able to zoom on images here. Now I’m having issues with the SitePoint link in the upper left corner of the page.

Here’s my phone info:

It’s hard checking code on a phone, but I noticed some very serious issues.

Here’s the validation report:

None of those are real issues, nor are they what’s affecting my text. Thanks anyway.

Apple is just stupid. Most websites look wrong on my iPhone. shrugs

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Well, I’m learning Android apps and they try hard to emulate iOS. Their tutorials aren’t updated, nor do they explain issues developers will have.

The best resources any developer has, whether for websites or software, are forums such as SitePoint, Udacity, and StackOverflow.

They look pretty real to me.

No DOCTYPE found, and unknown root element.

Without the doctype, all bets are off. Browsers have to “guess” how to interpret the page, and while some may guess correctly, others may not.

You can’t say for certain what’s affecting your text until the errors are fixed.

I notice you are also using the obsolete <center> tag (which is probably not affecting the display at the moment, but should not be used as browsers may stop supporting it).

You are using some tags which are not part of any HTML standard with which I’m familiar:

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This is literally my job. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it wrong. Everything you pointed out is also just fine.

Literally nobody is answering my question and instead trying to point out problems that aren’t even problems. Again, not understanding something doesn’t make it incorrect.

My only issue is the h1 text becoming larger on mobile. If nobody has a possible solution to THAT than please don’t respond it’s wasting my time.

If there is code that nobody but you understands, how would others know whether or not it might be involved with the problem, and if it was, how to fix things.

The missing DOCTYPE and obsolete tags are not “fine”. As TechnoBear posted, the DOCTYPE is required if a browser is to be able to determine which specifications to use to render the page. The obsolete elements may be OK if you are using an old DTD but otherwise they are living on borrowed time.

If the <c> tags are fine, please explain what they are and how a browser is expected to be able to determine how to render them.

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I won’t repeat myself again after this. My doctype IS fine. My < c > isn’t filled in yet into my style page, so you can stop wasting your time picking on it. I’ve tried to tell you people this repeatedly omg. I don’t have to explain any of the coding to any of you. I’m not your teacher, nor do I have time to be. I have repeatedly stated if you can’t immediately pinpoint what the problem is just by looking at it than you DONT KNOW, so don’t comment with a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. I’m sick of you people trying to tell me what’s wrong with my layout when your problems aren’t true problems and have 0 to do with my original comment. rolls eyes

I’m done with this forum. I’ve never seen such rude people in a coding forum. Will be deleting this whole thread and my account. I’m done wasting my time here. It’s clear yous don’t know how to resolve my issue and instead want to be on your high horse trying to pick out problems I’ve AGAIN said how many times now that aren’t issues? I’m not explaining why they’re not issues. AGAIN, I’m not your teacher.

Have a nice day.

Now that you’ve gone here’s the answer for anyone else with a similar problem :slight_smile:

body{ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; }


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