My <strong> tags causing a line break?

<strong>MATERIALS:</strong>&nbsp; Outer 100% wool, Lined with black rayon<br />
<strong>SIZE:</strong> 12<br />

The above code is being rendered like this

Outer 100% wool, Lined with black rayon

When I want it like this

MATERIALS: Outer 100% wool, Lined with black rayon
SIZE: 12

Heres the html from viewing the source of the page,

&nbsp; Outer 100% wool, Lined with black rayon

This is using a zencart template from template monster and the CKeditor text editor.
I have the same issue on another zencart site also. I cant see any css that would cause it.
the site is offline now so I cant show it to you but any help really appreciated.

If you can alter the CSS, add this:

strong{display: inline;}

and see if that makes a difference.

Yes, Pullo’s suggestion is worth trying. The HTML you posted should appear the way you want, so it seems there’s a style in your CMS like

strong {display: block;}

To override it, you may need

strong {display: inline !important}

… though it may mess up other parts of your site.

It’s a pretty rotten thing to do to you, though, to set <strong> to display: block. :rolleyes:

I will be trying this today.
Template monster do a lot of bad things, a lot of templates have the bullet points from ul missing for example, adding them in puts bullet points all over the site in the strangest places…
Takes a bit to get it sorted.

Awesome thanks people, you pinpointed the issue. There was this in there

.description strong{ color:#000; display:block;}

Not sure why they would do that…

Glad to hear you got it sorted out. :slight_smile:

A basic cascading style sheet will make it look like this, used the unorded list which actually is the trick.

p {
display: inline;

list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

margin: 0;
padding: 0;

<li><strong>MATERIALS:</strong><p>Outer 100% wool, Lined with black rayon</p></li>