My Right Div Appears Out of Place in IE8 Browser

In my IE8 browser, the “content” div is out of place and appears near the bottom. Why?


I think it might be the overflow: auto on #contentwrapper causing it.

Try changing it to overflow: hidden;

#contentwrapper {
  [COLOR="Red"]overflow: hidden;[/COLOR]
  width: 775px;
  padding: 0 20px 0 30px;

Thanks for your reply! But unfortunately, that didn’t work.

I see what the problem is - the scroll bar keeps appearing in annoying IE8 (and was taking up extra space). I put overflow: auto; into the Content div. Fixed.

Seems to be fine now. What made the difference?


Hi, I’m sorry, IE8 isn’t showing that for me?


Oh wow, missed like 4 posts…shoulda refreshed