My if statement doesn't work

Hello Everyone,
I want to extract data from the DB and display it in a line graph.
Here is the function which gets the data from the DB :
(There are 2 similar variables I show here just one to be as short as possible)

function get_Single_Couple_Short_profit($item, $user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $hour_start, $hour_end, $days)
	global $db;
		$sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`c_time`, '%m-%y') AS time, `c_time`, `o_time`, `item`, `user_id`, `profit`, `hideshow` 
		        FROM data 
				WHERE DATE(`o_time`) BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date 
			    AND TIME(`o_time`) BETWEEN :hour_start AND :hour_end
				AND WEEKDAY(`o_time`) IN ($days)
				AND `hideshow` = 'hide'
				AND type LIKE 'sell%'
				AND `user_id` = :user_id
				AND `item` = :item
				ORDER BY `c_time` ASC";
		 $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
		 $stmt->bindParam(':item', $item, PDO::PARAM_STR);
		 $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
		 $stmt->bindParam(':start_date', $start_date, PDO::PARAM_STR);				 $stmt->bindParam(':end_date', $end_date, PDO::PARAM_STR);
		 $stmt->bindParam(':hour_start', $hour_start, PDO::PARAM_STR);
		 $stmt->bindParam(':hour_end', $hour_end, PDO::PARAM_STR);

		 if($stmt->rowCount() == 0) 
		   return false;
		  return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
	catch(Exception $e) 
	   return false;        
}// End function

Here I get it in a variable and check it (for this post:

$data_ls = get_Single_Couple_Short_profit($couple, $user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $hour_start, $hour_end, $days);
var_dump($data_ls );

Here is a ccreenshot the result when there is data to extract from DB :

And Here is the result when there is no data to extract from DB:

C:\wamp64\www\A_website_for_test\pages\ false

Here is the code which transfers the variabls’f data to a javascript variable
and check it(for this post:

////////       Convert PhP $data_ll array to JavaScript array Short    //////////
	  var datum_ls = <?php echo json_encode($data_ls); ?>;
console.log('value of datum_ls');

Here is a screenshot of the result :slight_smile:

And Here is a screenshot when there is no data to display :slight_smile:

My problem is that the code which works well when there is data to display fails when there is no data to display.

Here are my if statements
this is one :

	   if(datum_ls != false && datum_ll != false){  
//Callback for line chart long
	    google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
//Callback for line chart short
	    google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
	   }// End check if there is only 1 trade type

and here is another :slight_smile:

  if(datum_ls != false && datum_ll != false){

 ////////////////////////    Drawing the line graph long   //////////////////////
   function drawChart_l() {

      var data_ll = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data_ll.addColumn('string', ' ');
      data_ll.addColumn('number', 'acc_profit');

      for(var i = 0; i < datum_ll.length; i++){
		  		var obj_l = datum_ll[i];
				data_ll.addRow([obj_l.time, obj_l.profit]);


      var options = {
            title:'<?php echo "Accumulated Profit of  ".$couple.'  Trades'.$addition; ?>',
            subtitle: 'in  [USD]',
		    backgroundColor: '#d7bde2',
			colors: ['black'],
		    vAxis: {title: 'Balance', gridlines: { count: 5 }},
	      animation: {'startup': 'true', 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'out'},
		  bar: { groupWidth: '90%' },
	      hAxis: { showTextEvery: 10, minTextSpacing: 10}

      var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('line_div_l'));
      chart.draw(data_ll, options);
    }//END CHART line long

 ////////////////////////    Drawing the line graph short   //////////////////////
   function drawChart_s() {

      var data_ls = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data_ls.addColumn('string', ' ');
      data_ls.addColumn('number', 'acc_profit');

      for(var i = 0; i < datum_ls.length; i++){
		  		var obj_l = datum_ls[i];
				data_ls.addRow([obj_l.time, obj_l.profit]);


      var options = {
            title:'<?php echo 'Accumulated Profit of  '.$couple.'short Trades'.$addition; ?>',
            subtitle: 'in  [USD]',
		    backgroundColor: '#f9e79f',
			colors: ['black'],
		    vAxis: {title: 'Balance', gridlines: { count: 5 }},
	      animation: {'startup': 'true', 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'out'},
		  bar: { groupWidth: '90%' },
	      hAxis: { showTextEvery: 10, minTextSpacing: 10}

      var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('line_div_s'));
      chart.draw(data_ls, options);
    }//END CHART line short
} // End check if there is only 1 trade type

I tried datum_ls[0] instead of just datum_ls

Here is the code for the divs where the graphs are supposed to be displayed :

				 if(($data_ls != false) && ($data_ll !=false)){
				'<div id="line_div_l" class="data_unit"></div>
			    <div id="line_div_s" class="data_unit"></div>';}

when there is data to display, the divs are created but they are empty

When I remove the javascript if statement and there is data to display, everything works well
what is wrong with the javascript if statement ?

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You could have “echo json_encode($data_ls);” return something more reliable when there is no data, or try a positive if (if there is data, do something, else don’t).
if (datum_ls) {do your stuff}

Work out the logic using only simple JS code and variables, then apply the working code to your project.

You have doubled ifs - one on PHP and one on JS - double check the logic of that.

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