Hello Everyone,
I want to extract data from the DB and display it in a line graph.
Here is the function which gets the data from the DB :
(There are 2 similar variables I show here just one to be as short as possible)
function get_Single_Couple_Short_profit($item, $user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $hour_start, $hour_end, $days)
global $db;
$sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`c_time`, '%m-%y') AS time, `c_time`, `o_time`, `item`, `user_id`, `profit`, `hideshow`
FROM data
WHERE DATE(`o_time`) BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
AND TIME(`o_time`) BETWEEN :hour_start AND :hour_end
AND WEEKDAY(`o_time`) IN ($days)
AND `hideshow` = 'hide'
AND type LIKE 'sell%'
AND `user_id` = :user_id
AND `item` = :item
ORDER BY `c_time` ASC";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':item', $item, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':start_date', $start_date, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':end_date', $end_date, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':hour_start', $hour_start, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':hour_end', $hour_end, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if($stmt->rowCount() == 0)
return false;
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
catch(Exception $e)
return false;
}// End function
Here I get it in a variable and check it (for this post:
$data_ls = get_Single_Couple_Short_profit($couple, $user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $hour_start, $hour_end, $days);
var_dump($data_ls );
Here is a ccreenshot the result when there is data to extract from DB :
And Here is the result when there is no data to extract from DB:
C:\wamp64\www\A_website_for_test\pages\instrument_c.inc.php:34:boolean false
Here is the code which transfers the variabls’f data to a javascript variable
and check it(for this post:
//////// Convert PhP $data_ll array to JavaScript array Short //////////
var datum_ls = <?php echo json_encode($data_ls); ?>;
console.log('value of datum_ls');
Here is a screenshot of the result
And Here is a screenshot when there is no data to display
My problem is that the code which works well when there is data to display fails when there is no data to display.
Here are my if statements
this is one :
if(datum_ls != false && datum_ll != false){
//Callback for line chart long
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
//Callback for line chart short
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
}// End check if there is only 1 trade type
and here is another
if(datum_ls != false && datum_ll != false){
//////////////////////// Drawing the line graph long //////////////////////
function drawChart_l() {
var data_ll = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_ll.addColumn('string', ' ');
data_ll.addColumn('number', 'acc_profit');
for(var i = 0; i < datum_ll.length; i++){
var obj_l = datum_ll[i];
data_ll.addRow([obj_l.time, obj_l.profit]);
var options = {
title:'<?php echo "Accumulated Profit of ".$couple.' Trades'.$addition; ?>',
subtitle: 'in [USD]',
backgroundColor: '#d7bde2',
colors: ['black'],
vAxis: {title: 'Balance', gridlines: { count: 5 }},
animation: {'startup': 'true', 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'out'},
bar: { groupWidth: '90%' },
hAxis: { showTextEvery: 10, minTextSpacing: 10}
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('line_div_l'));
chart.draw(data_ll, options);
}//END CHART line long
//////////////////////// Drawing the line graph short //////////////////////
function drawChart_s() {
var data_ls = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_ls.addColumn('string', ' ');
data_ls.addColumn('number', 'acc_profit');
for(var i = 0; i < datum_ls.length; i++){
var obj_l = datum_ls[i];
data_ls.addRow([obj_l.time, obj_l.profit]);
var options = {
title:'<?php echo 'Accumulated Profit of '.$couple.'short Trades'.$addition; ?>',
subtitle: 'in [USD]',
backgroundColor: '#f9e79f',
colors: ['black'],
vAxis: {title: 'Balance', gridlines: { count: 5 }},
animation: {'startup': 'true', 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'out'},
bar: { groupWidth: '90%' },
hAxis: { showTextEvery: 10, minTextSpacing: 10}
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('line_div_s'));
chart.draw(data_ls, options);
}//END CHART line short
} // End check if there is only 1 trade type
I tried datum_ls[0] instead of just datum_ls
Here is the code for the divs where the graphs are supposed to be displayed :
if(($data_ls != false) && ($data_ll !=false)){
'<div id="line_div_l" class="data_unit"></div>
<div id="line_div_s" class="data_unit"></div>';}
when there is data to display, the divs are created but they are empty
When I remove the javascript if statement and there is data to display, everything works well
what is wrong with the javascript if statement ?