Hello everyone
Im faced with a problem
i have a page where there is a list of name
For each name there is a form with select box and hidden input and submit button
How i can make the user click select box and submit the content to the server without
refreshing SO HE/SHE could go to the 2nd and 3rd and so on
Please direct me
I tried using different field names for each form but the button need to stay with one name so i could call the script
BUT JS does not understand which form to take it keep taken the first form in the list…
Im sure the answer is simple but i just cant figure it out its been 2 night trying im on the verge of quitting
i know the best way is to use JS
Help me out
Make it 1 form and 3 divs, then give each div an id and hide them but not the first one. After every small part in the form you add a button with the onClick java event and make the 2nd part visible and so on. And the last one has a real input submit button.
Yes i can do that but my issue is slidly different im sorry i think i have not explained clear in my post i will try now
assume you have 10 employes list
you want to update status of 2 employies who missed today work
and u want to add information for 2 other employies who where late 4 hours
So the first idea was to display all employes in a list
Emp A-----CheckBox for if missing ------ Text field for Hours Missing -------- hidden text field for Emp ID ------------ then Submit button
Emp B-----CheckBox for if missing ------ Text field for Hours Missing -------- hidden text field for Emp ID ------------ then Submit button
Emp C-----CheckBox for if missing ------ Text field for Hours Missing -------- hidden text field for Emp ID ------------ then Submit button
Emp D-----CheckBox for if missing ------ Text field for Hours Missing -------- hidden text field for Emp ID ------------ then Submit button
If i make each form unique then i guess i have to do ajax call for each form and thats a redundant code
I want a way where i can submit information for the employes who missed today work without refreashing or conflecting with other forms…
in my head thats the easiest way to do it in useability wise
imagin if there is 100 employes list
also imagin if there are 30 employes missed today work.
The idea is to do it like FACEBOOK comment button … i mean if possible JS
Never mind
i changed the style
i used open window object which is supported by all major browsers, it seemed easier to do it this way
I should start picking up JS and JQuery
Thanks Guys