Mornings...What do you do?

Morning productivity aids:

  • Waking time routine - wake up at the same time, every single day. Working or not. This will help tremendously with the body’s adjustment. Followed by
  • Bedtime routine - go to sleep as close to the same time every day as you can, see above.
  • Cold showers - if you can’t bear the thought, start it warm or lukewarm and taper it down to cold.
  • Coffee
  • Don’t start your day sifting email or updates or pondering your task list. Prepare your task list or 3 objectives or whatever productivity method you use the night before if you aren’t a morning person, and when you start work, hammer into the biggest rock first. Some people dislike this; others say it forces them to be awake and alert.

For me personally… My alarms begin to go off at 5:00. I’m usually out of bed by 5:15 and shower, coffee, and out the door by 5:45 or 5:50. Commute to work, arriving around 6:30 or 6:40. Then… I wish I could go back to sleep at my desk.

FWIW the times I’ve cracked down and did sleep routines and cold showers and such, my life was better - I promise. I just like hot water and I like staying up too late after kids are sleeping and I like sleeping in on weekends. lol :smile:

Work in progress.

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