Mobile hamburger menu interaction

Hello, can anyone point me to a resource that explains and demos a mobile hamburger menu slide out with the website background dimming to black simultaneously? Thanks.


This old demo of mine has a slide out menu and dims the background when at a mobile size.

It’s only meant as a basic template and not a full solution or instructional.

Generally apart from the css involved all you need to is trap the click action on the hamburger menu with JS and then add a class or 2 somewhere (the body element is good for this). When the class is applied to the body you can slide the menu out with css and then create a fixed overlay that covers the body content (use body:after and create a fixed element that covers the whole viewport with opacity as required).

Set the z-index of the sidenav greater than the overlay and the nav sits on top and then the overlay covers the rest of the content.

I just googled quickly and there seems to be a tutorial that does what you want here and may be easier for you to follow.

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@Paul, thanks, I will take a look at everything. i appreciate it.

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