I just wondered if any of you have come across any good websites detailing statistics & percentage market share of the types of phones people are using at the moment?
It is really easy to find on the web the number of people in the UK using Internet Explorer, compared to say Chrome. So along the same lines I’m looking to find up-to-date information on what specific mobile devices people in the UK are using.
I’ve managed to find a broad spectrum for example xx% Android versus xx% iPhone, however I’m trying to find a breakdown of the say top 20 devices that are being used? iPhone4, Samsung II, HTC etc.
A quick look in google analytics for a site I run has the following top devices. It doesn’t partition the iphone into separate versions. The ratio of pageviews is about 70% ios to 30% android with s2 & s3 accounting for about a half of all android
galaxy s2
galaxy s3
htc desire
sony xperia lt30p
sony xperia arc
nokia lumia 800
galaxy ace
galaxy S
blackberry 9800
blackberry 9900
htc desire hd
htc desire s
htc sensation
ipod touch
bb 9780
bb bold touch 9900
galaxy note
Thanks this is fab, and very much on the lines I’ve been looking for - it would be awesome if the mobile stats were broken down into brand names however this really does help.
Indeed, although I don’t know if the devices declare themselves like that or not. I’m also not sure if each Android device behaves in the same way (duh, presumably they don’t) … but hopefully there’s not too much difference in rendering across Android devices.