Missing first row because of double use of $stmt->fetch()

Hi all

I’m using a prepared statement using a fetch result, but when I return my result on the page the first row is always missing. I realised the problem was because I called $stmt->fetch() in two different instances:

$stmt->fetch() // at the top of the page becasue I need some values for the title
while($stmt->fetch()){ } //further down the page to show the list of items

How do I show the result inside the while loop from $stmt->fetch() without using it again?

Any ideas?


Maybe grab what you need from within the loop. Possibly:-

$first = true;
    if($first) {
        // Do what you gotta do with the first row
        $first = NULL;
    // Do whatever else you do for every row

Thanks Sam

I see what your saying, though seems like a work around, I think there is a possible solution using an array if I remeber correctly from a post I googled.


First instance

$stmt->bind_result($id, $caption...);
$rows = array();
$row_cnt = $stmt->num_rows;


And the loop

          foreach($rows as $data) {
              echo '<li>' . $id . '</li>';

This seems to work, no errors, but no < li >'s are showing from the foreach?

Above the foreach, I have: <title>$caption</title> which shows ok.


You can also simple do:
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
And now you just have a regular array of data.

The PDO statement object actually has a rewind method as long as you use a buffered query. You can search for how to do one.

But simply fetching everything instead of fooling around with $stmt inside of other loops is the way I do it.

@computerbarry is using mysqli, not PDO!

OK, then $stmt->fetch_all() would do it?

if mysqli uses the mysqlnd driver.

Well then I guess we have stumbled across yet another reason to use PDO over mysqli. Seems very strange.

You could always use do-while instead, which checks the condition at the end of the loop rather than the start:

do {
  // whatever
  } while ($stmt->fetch());

this one will fail in case no rows returned

Thanks all!

I was hoping to keep this as simple as I can, using the array was my prefered choice if this can be achieved.

As a few have suggested - $stmt->fetch_all() seems to be the best approach. And yes using mysqli.

If I use $stmt->fetch_all() would I then replace $stmt->fetch() ?

Maybe if we can work with #3 - what would I need to change?

Appreciate the guidance here thanks :slight_smile:


Yes, I didn’t think of that, though presumably the OP would check whether the query returned any rows before trying to do anything with them.

Just to recap, as below.

I can only get the values from bind result for title, h1 by using $stmt->fetch() before I run the foreach/loop.

<title><?php echo $caption ?></title>
<h1><?php echo $someOtherBindedVariable ?></h1>

Then I need to run the foreach from the first instance of $stmt->fetch() further down the page:

          foreach($rows as $data) {
              echo '<li>' . $id . '</li>';

How could I use the $stmt->fetch_all() to make this work?

Meaning, what do I need to change below, and remove?

$stmt->bind_result($id, $caption...);
$rows = array();
$row_cnt = $stmt->num_rows;


Thanks, Barry

Reading a bit more (I don’t use mysqli, so have to look it up) it will retrieve all the results as a numeric array, or an associative array, or both. So that suggests that it won’t be suitable for using with bound results.

Thanks droopsnoot,

So, back to the rows array…

$rows = array();

Is this something we could work with by using the current setup with $stmt->fetch() ?

foreach($rows as $data) {
              echo '<li>' . $id . '</li>';

Or maybe scrap the bind approach and use a more general query?

Though I did think the bind result was more secure and the way forward :upside_down:


If you scrap the bound results altogether and just use an associative array, you could use fetch_all() if your driver supports it.

$rows = $stmt->fetch_all();
echo "<h1>" . $rows[0]['caption'] . "</h1>";

foreach($rows as $row) {
  echo $row['whatever'];

and so on.

I think.

Yes this looks very familiar, something I’ve used in the past, albeit - feels like I’m moving backwards :slight_smile:

I’ll have to dig a little deeper, if I can’t find a solution using the current setup I’ll have to think about using fetch_all without bind.

Anyhow, thanks for the help!

Will post back if I managed to fix it.


I must admit that I just do this stuff along the lines of post #2 as @Sam74 said, just set a flag and do special things while it’s set.

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