Minimal WordPress Contact Form - Bootstrap 3, Contact Form 7, Squarespace 7 Styling

I would like my WordPress Contact Form 7 form to behave the same way as a Squarespace 7 contact form, all in the way it validates to the way it looks, hopefully all using Bootstrap 3.

Here is an example of a Squarespace 7 form:

And the same Squarespace 7 contact form with validations:

There is no blue highlight when clicking inside of a field that the browser wants to do by default. Also, the validation is easier to understand, when clicking on “Send”, it says “Sending…” rather than the spinning wheel that Contact Form 7 does. The Squarespace 7 contact form shows the validation errors on the top rather than on the bottom. And the mobile design is better where it doesn’t zoom into the screen, it keeps it all visible upon typing and validation.

Any pointers on getting this up and running using WordPress Contact Form 7 and Bootstrap 3?
(Also, this particular Squarespace 7 theme is called “Om” if that helps).

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