Mind can do Front End, Heart wants to do UX Interactiion Design

Ive been a banner developer for the last 8 years transitioning into front end development.

Another passion has been creeping up. I like to create user interactions, specifically ones that saves clicks to get to the user goals. Ideas come easily to me, on how to improve certain websites.

And Im a little scared.
That Ive been wasting the last year of my life learning React and Front End only to want to do UX.
That I have to pick either front end vs UX if I want to work for a company.
But more so that I will have to start my career at step 1, building up a portfolio for UX. It would be my passion, but the fear is that, folks wont want to hire someone with less than a years experience.

Any thoughts?

Why do you need to choose one area or the other? I know it probably would be best to become an expert in one of the areas, but don’t discount the learning and the skills you have build up so far. They will always come in useful and I would think that an employer would appreciate a variety of skills even if they want to hire a UX person.

As for the amount of experience, don’t let that discourage you. Your abilities and skills are probably more important, and people do learn a lot on the job. You may not get as many offers as someone with more experience, but you have to start somewhere. Don’t wait until you have a bunch of years of UX experience before you start looking for employment in that field.


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