
In this code, or in a stylesheet, how can I add in a minimum width
that will work as far back as ie6? I believe min-width only works
on ie7+.
And, will it work on body like min-width does?
Where do I insert it?

<style type="text/css">
other styles

There is no pure/simple way to get IE6 to have min-width with only HTML/CSS.

If you don’t mind having an extra wrapper element,there is a good tutorial of a rather convoluted way of emulating min-width in IE6.

Personally, I think is too much effort for a dying browser anyway.

You also have the option of using IE expressions:

However, this tends to affect performance, so use sparingly. Also, JavaScript needs to be enabled in the browser.

Or without javascript, with a [U]behaviour[/U] in a IE-only .htc file (embedded in a Conditional Comment for IE6).

But indeed, IE6 is no more existing in the worldwide statistics for last month: [U]gs.statcounter.com/#browser_version_partially_combined-ww-monthly-201306-201307-bar[/U].
So IE6 workarounds will be needed only if your target group is using IE6; apparently they don’t care about browser safety! :wink: