Messaging system creation


I am building a private messaging system and I wonder if anyone could help me with confirming the structure is correct.

create table messaging_users
( email varchar(99) not null primary key
, auto_password varchar(99) not null
, first_name varchar(99)
, last_name varchar(99) 
, username varchar(99)
) engine.....

create table messaging_initiation
( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key
, title_of_message varchar(99) 
, time_of_message datetime not null
, message_body varchar(1000)
, sent_by varchar(99) 
) engine....

create table messaging_replies
( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key
, initiation_id bigint not null
, title_of_message varchar(99)
, time_of_message datetime not null
, message_body varchar(1000)
, sent_by varchar(99)
, add constraint replies_posts_fk
    foreign key (initiation_id)
      references messaging_initiation(id) 
) engine....

Have I set the data type correctly for message_body?
The tables are almost the same but for the FK. The FK is the only reason I created two tables so the constraint can be used to tie the replies to the original message. Is there a better way?

Can you see any other cols that I have ommitted but which I ought to consider?


i would use TEXT for the message body

i would also combine the two messaging tables into one – you can have the FK reference the same table, that’s done all the time