Member Of The Month August 2010

Well it’s the start of August and it’s time to announce this month’s Member of the Month. This month we say Congratulations:tup: to:


guido2004 joined SitePoint forums, in late September 2004 and is often found around the php and MySQL forums helping members out with the php and database problems.

Now onto the interview:

[B]How did you find out about SitePoint?[/B]

Through Google I guess. It’s been almost six years since I registered, and I really don’t remember why I came to the forums for the first time. It definitely was the forums though, and I’m sure it had something to do with PHP.

What made you stick around?
The great community. You can find an answer to almost every question, at least the questions I had, and have. And if the answer isn’t there, all you have to do is ask. There’s always at least one member that is willing to share his/her knowledge with you, or point you in the right direction. However, I don’t ask very often, since most answers are already there.
After some years of reading and learning, I started to answer questions too, the last two years quite a lot, actually.

Is there any part of the SitePoint community you would like to see evolve (or is it perfect as it is)?
For me, the forums are the most important part, and they are doing great. With all the experts spending their time helping others, and the staff keeping things nice and tidy, I really don’t think the forums would have to change at all.

Something I didn’t know I was missing when it wasn’t there, but am using quite a lot now that they are, are the references. Maybe some other reference guide? Although I wouldn’t know about what. PHP and MySQL already have good reference guides online. Javascript maybe?

What got you into web design and development?
I’ve been working in ICT for almost 16 years now, COBOL mostly. Around 2004 I thought it would be a good idea to keep up with a bit more modern technologies. I started with HTML, and a bit of CSS, then I continued with PHP/MySQL, because I was able to find free hosting that offered those.
Until now, the old technologies have survived, and they still give me more than enough work, so most web development I’ve done was for my own sites, but slowly I’m starting to do more paid stuff as well.

What aspect of web development would you like to see changed if any?
It would be nice if things would work the same on all browsers. Besides that, I wouldn’t know. The technologies I use are perfectly suited for the work I want to do.

Is your web development work related or a hobby?
As I said before, so far, most of my web development has been personal, but it might turn into real work. It depends on how long old technology will survive, and which will pay better.

Once again, congratulations guido2004 on being our Member of the Month for August 2010!:cool:

The mention of COBOL reminded me of a joke. A COBOL programmer froze himself using cryogenics in mid 1999 because he was tired of working 120hours a week trying to get everyone up to speed. He figured he would just wake up sometime in the future when the problem had been solved.

The next thing he knew he was being awoken with great fan fare. He asked what year it was. It was 9999 and they needed a COBOL program to help prepare for the Y10K bug.

cd :O)

Thanks :slight_smile:

guido, well deserved, you are a star


Congratulations :slight_smile:

Congrats Guido, good job :slight_smile:

The badge looks good on you too :cool:

Well done Guido and SpacePhoenix!

Congratulations Guido :slight_smile:

Nice interview and well deserved :tup:

Congratulations Guido! Well deserved.

Thx guys (m/f) :smiley:
It was a nice surprise.

Yeah… :smiley:

Congratulations Guido :slight_smile:

Very nice work

COBOL, wow.

Nice interview.

Congratulations, Guido! So well deserved. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Guido :slight_smile: