Make a pop-under open on page load

I want to open a pop-up or pop-under window once the page is loaded and does not get blocked by browser.
Anyone have any idea how to do that?


[quote=“luckskywalker, post:1, topic:210788, full:true”]
I want to open a pop-up or pop-under window once the page is loaded and does not get blocked by browser.
Anyone have any idea how to do that?[/quote]

What sort of information will be shown? There can be different techniques that are more applicable than others, depending on what the info is and how the user is expected to respond.

It could be any information.
For example, the page load, and a pop-under redirecting for opens together.

For that it would be much better to add the Google search widget to your page.

Guys, google was an example lol

That’s why we want more details from you on your intended plans, so that the correct techniques can be recommended to you.

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