Because it’s now just as sick a buzzword as “Web 2.0” was just a few years back, where everyone was using the term without even understanding what it meant. I consider it my job to inform those types of people that taking technical advice from the pages of Forbes is like taking financial advice from the pages of Popular Electronics.
Given it’s purpose – indicating a section of content that a user may want to skip in the page for not being content; in the most popular use – at the top of a page to skip the menu and other stuff – I thought that was a numbered heading (in this case H2) or horizontal rule’s job to indicate where the next subsection starts… so it’s entire PURPOSE was redundant! Especially since in USEFUL browsers like Opera I already HAVE that functionality on websites where people use headings properly!
If they just meant it as a replacement for UL, why not bring back the MENU tag that was deprecated in 4 STRICT? Which they did, for some completely different other purpose related to forms that I’ve been unable to get a straight answer from ANYONE on as to “why?”… At least that would say it’s a menu, and not some uselessly vague term that applies to every anchor on the page!
Though I hate it right down to the name – nav, navigation… every anchor on a website is ‘navigation’ making that vague and meaningless – I thought class=“nav” is uselessly vague BS every time I see it, who on earth thought it was a good idea for a tag?!? Herpaderp – again why I think it’s meant for the crowd who see nothing wrong with vague/pointless idiocy like “style.css”, class=“style-47”, or </div><!-- end div –> – you don’t know what’s wrong with those, do the world a favor and back the {expletive omitted} away from the keyboard.
Part of the laugh of people thinking all the tags that were deprecated in STRICT were for being ‘presentational’ – NOT! Most of them were ditched for being vague and redundant. Vague and redundant? You mean like HTML 5? I’m looking forward to when 6 STRICT deprecates all these new structural tags as pointless.
Or even more semantics around things that already have it. See “HGROUP” for the pinnacle of HTML 5 stupidity in that department – justifying the half-assed nonsensical practice of pairing sibling heading tags when not starting a section and subsection…
<h1>Site Title</h1>
/FAIL/ at even understanding the entire POINT of using numbered headings… and even without HGROUP that’s nonsensical BS.
… and TABLE before that – as our dearly departed friend Dan used to say “the people who made endless nested tables for no reason moved on to make endless nested DIV, net improvement zero.” – to which I’d now append “and today just replace those div with pointless HTML 5 tags instead of leveraging the EXISTING semantics we’ve had since day one!”… Though should probably work the people abusing nested lists on obviously tabular data in that, like the dimwits making vBulletin themes.
Well, that and they seem to miss that the entire reason to use DIV is to NOT change the semantics since you already should have plenty! … and that it starts to become micromanaging the meanings of every little element instead of actually letting the content itself do the talking. Perish the thought…
Bloated code is bloated code – the difference being that before it was just wrong, now they’re justifying bad practices as ‘normal’ with lame excuses and new tags… just part of why I say HTML 5 sets coding practices BACK a decade or more. Welcome to the pinnacle of the browser wars and HTML 3.2 – all the lessons of which are now long lost.