Looking for Guidance in Pursuing a Web Development Career

Hello, everyone! I apologise for the lengthy nature of this post, but I find it necessary to offer a detailed explanation of the current situation I’m in. I kindly ask for your patience in reading through it all and would greatly appreciate any insights or guidance you can provide on the path I should pursue.

I’m a 24-year-old guy who is currently working as a freight forwarder for nearly a year, but wants to pursue a career in web development. The challenge is figuring out the right path in order to make this a reality.

In 2020, I completed a two-year web development bootcamp, acquiring skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React, and Angular. Regrettably, during that period, I was spoiled, taking things for granted and struggling with certain addictions. Instead of dedicating my energy and time in doing projects and expanding my knowledge beyond the bootcamp curriculum, I allowed my addictions to sidetrack me. My focus was primarily on meeting the requirements for each module, aiming for the highest scores rather than engaging in broader learning experiences. Following my graduation from the bootcamp, I received a diagnosis of severe OCD. For the next two years, I found myself succumbing to my addictions as a means of escaping reality, and during this time, I didn’t write a single line of code.

In early 2023, I made a decision to reclaim control over my life. Addressing my OCD and overcoming addictive behaviours, I secured my first job as a freight forwarder and embarked on a weight loss journey. Now I want to finish what I have started. The issue is that I’ve forgotten the majority of what I learned in the bootcamp, and I’m uncertain about how to proceed from here.

I considered four possible routes to pursue in becoming a front-end web developer, but I’m not sure which one is the right one.

The first path involves completing The Odin Project and some Udemy courses, focusing on mastering fundamentals and building advanced projects to showcase my skills. However, uncertainties arise regarding job opportunities given the lack of a bachelor’s degree and my outdated bootcamp certificates. Consequently, my plan is to showcase the projects I’ve build while omitting the certificates acquired long time ago from my CV.

The second path is to enroll in the same bootcamp again, but this time, I’ll be more serious and focused on learning and working on projects beyond the bootcamp’s requirements. The drawback is the €2000 cost, which I’d rather save since I plan to relocate to a larger city when applying for jobs. On the positive side, completing the bootcamp again would provide updated certificates, somewhat valued in my country, though I’m unsure if it’s a worthwhile investment.

The third path involves learning math from scratch for 2 years using khan academy and textbooks before pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science. During my childhood, I dealt with daily bullying because of my weight, which made me really dislike school. Additionally, my math teacher from fourth to seventh grade was not good at explaining things and treated us poorly, making me hate math. As a result, I mostly just did what I needed to pass my math classes and ended up cheating on a lot of tests. The problem with this path is that I will need to spend 6 years studying and the results are uncertain. I really want to start working as programmer in the next 1 to 2 years.

The fourth path involves around pursuing the first path while dedicating one hour daily to learning math. If I secure a job, I plan to continue learning math until I feel adequately prepared. I than intend to complete a bachelor’s degree in computer science, balancing my studies with part-time job as a web developer. It’s important to highlight that my current job is mentally demanding and stressful, limiting my study time to 2 to 3 hours a day, and I don’t know if I would have enough time to study both things.

I am determined to give my all in order to become an web developer because this is the thing that I want to do. I would greatly appreciate any advice that can help me make the right decision.

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Computer science does not require math. You likely should avoid anyone that says it does. Perhaps math would help if the application (the website) involved mathematics but generally for a mathematics website the client would know the necessary mathematics. For graphics there is a possibility that geometry might help.

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I am sorry to hear about your struggles of the past, but the one thing I will say about it is that you are here, you survived and you have a chance to start with a new slate. Bury the things of the past and realize from today you are fresh and not a product of your past.

Don’t feel like you have to be some math whiz or anything to get started with programming again or that you are too far out of the game to start anew. Treat yourself as a brand new learner and make room in your life to simply learn and practice. Even if that is just an hour a day.

Now, the fact you are starting fresh, I recommend the following path to everyone who is new…

  1. Make some time in your day to sit down, no distractions, and learn/practice your new programming craft.
  2. There are three languages/skills you must learn in web development. Learn them in this order… HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  3. To help with these three items, I suggest you buy a book, a great website that writes a lot of articles on the topic and a forum to ask questions on (you already found this one… :wink: ). The reasoning is this, you read the book as it is structured. When you run into questions, you ask on the forum, we provide the help you need to understand. When you are not reading the book, the articles can provide new topics and ways of thinking about the material. You can also watch a few videos too. Just know that articles and videos won’t teach you everything but they help you get thinking in terms of programming.
  4. Progress through the book and when finished, consider another book on the same topic. This helps cement your knowledge and explore different ways of looking at the same topics.
  5. Through steps 2-4, practice. Don’t just watch and read, actually do the exercises. When you do the exercises you are going to run into problems and that is when you ask on the forum again. One of the first things we are going to ask is for you to “show your code so far”. So practice and you will have that code to show us.

Once you reach the level of mastering HTML/CSS/Javascript, come back here and tell us. Then we can point you into the next steps (server-side programming). But don’t worry about that part first. Just get the basics down.

Breaking your learning down into manageable chunks and tackling them with persistence and practice, you will make a ton of progress in a very short time.

Last thing to mention is the OCD. I know it will be tough, but don’t let it bog you down in specifics. Sometimes it is better to get a bunch of code written that is imperfect at first and then you can go back and clean it up (what we call refactoring it).

You don’t have to have a fancy degree or know a ton of advanced math, but you will need to show your practice and projects to get a job and build out a portfolio. You can do that by tackling things one day at a time. Good luck to you. Resources below can help you…

HTML and CSS book - https://www.amazon.com/HTML-CSS-Design-Build-Websites/dp/1118008189
Smarter way to learn JavaScript - https://www.amazon.com/Smarter-Way-Learn-JavaScript-technology/dp/1497408180
Website for JavaScript - https://www.w3schools.com/js/

Edit: Also don’t be afraid to ask questions on ChatGPT either. It is very good for showing code examples that you can play with and try out.

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply! I’m wondering if it would be beneficial to include the certificates I earned from the bootcamp when I start applying for jobs? Do you believe recruiters might perceive me as less committed due to the time gap between acquiring them and applying for jobs?

At the end of the day, they really only care about what you can do. There are people with no degrees that are far better programmers than those who have a masters in the field. If it was me, I would hold off on applying for the jobs until you have the languages under your belt. When you are that point, you will be in a better position to know if listing the bootcamp is something you want to add. Applying for jobs now and saying you went through a bootcamp that you can’t remember half the content in is just going to get you into trouble.

Focus now on doing the learning and practice and then worry about the job (and talking about your bootcamp) for later.

This is a compelling story of personal growth and determination. The author’s self-awareness and commitment to change are admirable, and their desire to pursue their passion for web development is inspiring.

I must admit that I prefer the infamous w3schools rather than a book. And testing by using jsfiddle makes it more instant feedback. But I guess that it is more of a personal preference…

w3schools gets a bad rap and sometimes for good reasons. However it is far from complete and “usually” books are vetted and more comprehensive. Plus they tend to be structured in a pretty good way. I consider sites like w3schools to be in between a book and a blog article. But as you said, it is personal preference. Doing a book and w3schools is good in that you can compare the two.

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