Looking for an Open-Source Tool for Managing Text Templates with Placeholders

I have been looking for quite some time at how I can make various things more efficient for both the professional field and in my personal life. One of the things I run into is that I often have to write the same texts, but that there is often a small variation in this. For example, a standard text for preparing a certain release. With the example of a text: Release xxx is ready, information can be found at xx location.

Now I was writing a python script that has a template and makes it possible to replace {{ tags }} in text and export it to my notepad, but I was thinking that there might be an open source application that should be able to do the same thing since I would not be the first to run into this problem.

Do you happen to know if there is an open source (preferably web app) that makes it possible to create certain placeholder texts with tags in them, which you can replace when you fill in the values ​​of these text fields? It is not for translating things, but for making it easier to use the same text with a slightly different content. This as generic as possible so that it is usable for Slack / Mail / Jira. So that you can copy the text. This with a small interface.

Little screenshot of something I’ve build in Python:

The text with a tag
When pressing generate you have a field to fill in Name (tag)
When pressing submit you get the actual text:

I don’t know if this is what you want, but there are several python open source template frameworks out there.

I my opinion the most popular is: Jinja https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/, because it used in the most popular python web frameworks: Django and Flask.

This is a good tutorial, although there many out there.

And to test your template online:

This one, is another great tutorial:


Ha @Zensei ,

Thank you for your response :slight_smile: , but no it was not really where I was looking for. I love to play around with code and Jinja2 is very nice if you want to build something in Python. But I was wondering is there already was something like a tool that does that kind of things.

It is not clear to me why it must be open-source. Some people equate open-source with free but open-source is not always available for free. And there is very much available for free that is not open-source. Another reason for using open-source is to modify it but you seem to not want to modify it. Another reason for open-source is security but that does not seem relevant here. I will assume that open-source is not really a requirement.

If I understand what you are asking then any server-side processing will do what you are asking. I think you are saying you want a placeholder in a HTML file to be replaced by something. That describes what something like PHP does. Also Razer, such as used by Microsoft ASP.Net does that. There are also many static-site (not server-side) generators that do that kind of thing. There are probably an abundant number of tools available. It would help to have more specifics about what you are currently using.

It doesn’t need to be open source, but most of the software I am using is. I know there are template engines like twig and Jinja that allow you to make it yourself. But I was just wondering if something like this already existed

For managing text templates with placeholders, you might consider using open-source tools like:

  1. Handlebars.js: A popular templating engine that uses placeholders in the form of {{placeholder}}.
  2. Mustache: Similar to Handlebars, it’s logic-less and supports placeholders.
  3. Jinja2: Commonly used in Python projects and supports complex templating needs.
  4. Liquid: Originally developed by Shopify, it’s great for web-based applications and supports placeholders.

These tools are widely used and have active communities for support.

Hey @dseegersmail, this is quite a late reply but I’ve been building something focusing on this exact aspect.

We’re releasing the new version where you can easily add placeholders & different versions/options for paragraphs and will start integrating automations little by little with pilot customers.

If you are interested in testing it out, let me know :slight_smile: I’ll create a free account for you

It will look something along this line - don’t mind the text