Looking for a good photo gallery script

I want a photo gallery script for my website. I want to create albums of sort but from my webpage. I am looking for some free as well as cheap options.

I want it simple, as I am not very good in coding as such.

I don’t want gallery like 4images or http://gallery.menalto.com/

I checked these options

Visual LightBox JS
12345 Good Photo Gallery Wizard

Please share your opinion.


no suggestions???

if you just go on www.hotscripts.com you will get lots of search results.

Don’t know whether you want a full fledge script, or more of a component, but there are some neat little widgets/components here too:

coppermine for free
search flashden for 10-20$ photogallery script with admin
photostore for bit higher ,not so cheap but nice one,but it worth it (google it)
photohost if corporate