please see
i want the logo to be to the far left, the rest of my navigation to the right
i want the logo to be an image or text
please be sure its responsive
i have tried EVERYTHING, no go
i am not even sure my nav is coded properly to actualy acheive my goal!
i am FULLY aware there is code in my CSS that doesnt belong there… i tried removing what i thought was pointles, but broke my code
please help me!
maybe another codepen with what i need?
thank you!!!
Here is a simple way of doing it:
It is responsive!
1 Like
January 20, 2024, 4:11pm
You need to stretch the ul so it takes up the available width and then you can just use a margin-right auto on the logo to push the other items all the way over to the right.
nav {
display: flex;
/*justify-content: end;*/
nav .menu{flex:1 0 0;align-items:center;}
nav .menu .logo{ margin-right:auto;}
I’ve mentioned this before but you cannot have a div as a direct child of a ul!! Only list items can be direct children so change the div to a list item.
<ul class="menu">
<li class="logo">Logo</li>
<li><a href="#">About Buck Island</a></li>
thanks >SO< much!
i put some time into this without solving my issue… crisis averted!
down the line i may change the logo to an image… do you care to address this now or when i am there?
yes, my fault… honest mistake
best i can do is to try not making that mistake again
i do appreciate you never coming down on me or calling me stupid
i will give you %0.00000000000001 of my first million… sound fair?
you may have noticed this new code i am sharing with you… i have a possible gig lined up so i am trying to get started.
wish me luck!
any words of wisdom?
again, THANK YOU!!!
1 Like
June 1, 2024, 6:21pm
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