I am working on a project to develop an interface for managing and viewing my data. I have various websites and online resources I need quick links to. I also have a lot of local files in different locations which I need quick access to.
So I thought a webpage would be the perfect solution. I can have quick links to all my online and local assets and customize the interface with custom buttons, making browsing easier.
What’s wrong with my browser’s bookmarks and my operating system’s explorer you wonder… well both of them involve navigating through multiple layers of folders -which I won’t have to do if I have all my buttons on one page. I also plan to display text files on the page and perform calculations which I thought php would be a perfect option for.
My problem is, most browsers seem to turn off local file/folder browsing for security reasons. I know there are workarounds, but I am left wondering if an online browser is really the best platform to develop my interface… perhaps I should build an application in C++ instead?
If anyone has any suggestions which would be best (hijacking a browser’s interface or building an application from scratch) I would like to hear. Also if anyone knows of any plugins or sources to make either of these quicker I would be grateful.
I never intend to upload this interface online, it will be on my local machine only. Although it would be nice to have all my computers and phone networked so I could share the interface and my files and have them automatically back up accross system etc… but this is a more advanced feature I am not anywhere near yet.