List items need to have the same height

I have two list items in a row, both holding images. The first one has a width of 30% with a right margin of 5% and the second one has a width of 65% without any margins. How do I get these list items have the same height without declaring a height for the list items?

Thank you in advance

It would help to see your HTML and CSS. It’s rather difficult to visualise without this.

Hi gandalf. Thanx for the reaction. This is what I have


    width: 100%;
    list-style: none;
    word-spacing: -1em;    

.gallery li 
    width: 30%;
    margin-right: 5%;
    display: inline-block;
    overflow: hidden;
    word-spacing: normal;
    border: solid 1px #D7DADD;
    word-spacing: normal;

.gallery li.wide 
    width: 65%;
    margin: 0;        


<ul class="gallery">   
        <img src="/images/model_fotos/m1.jpg"alt=""/>

        <li class="wide">
           <img src="/images/model_fotos/m4.jpg"alt=""/>            

So there are only two items in the list? That should make it easier.

Hi Sam thanks. Yes there are indeed

In that case display: table/table-cell should do it on the .gallery and .gallery li respectively .

Or just setting the .gallery to display: flex;, which may be a bit more, er, flexible especially with responsiveness in mind.

Hi Sam thanks again. I actually try to avoid using the table/table-cell approach because of the margins.

Flex is looking good then.

Hi m3g. Thanks for the responce. That is what i was thinking after all and yes that is probably the best way to go for. Thanks again

@system thank you for thinking along

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