Liquid vs fixed for mobiles

I’m wondering which is generally better for mobile devices. Fixed or liquid layouts?

Thanks for your advice.


For most mobiles, fixed width will cause a lot of scrolling.

Check out this take on mobile design:

There’s such a range of screen sizes for mobile devices that I don’t see how a fixed layout could work. Horizontal scrolling on a mobile is a nightmare. Go with liquid every time. That’s my advice, for what it’s worth!

I agree. A fluid layout is definitely the way to go with mobi websites. As mentioned by TechnoBear said, there are a lot of different screen sizes, so a fluid design will work better

It’s my understanding that some devices allow custom resolution/dimensions. Blows designing “fixed” for even any number of possiblilities out of the water since there are an infinite number of them.

That’s great advice, thanks for your responses.


If you want to make multiple stylesheets for different phones, you can use fixed, but you will definitely need device detection scripts for that and it can be difficult to keep up with all the screen sizes. The different size of tablets are also going to throw a wrench into it because it’s not just screen sizes, but also resolution, so you would have to keep device detection up to date. Fluid is better if you want to keep things simple.