Link from tab content to another tab


I’m stuck again here
ttri dot biz/fz_test/sidebar-test/

when linking from the a link inside the “pane” to another tab the referenced tab does not change color to the active class.

Thank you

Site seems to be down. I’ll look back tomorrow.


The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

It should help if you make id values unique

Thank you sorry for that.
It’s wierd as you experienced it the other day as well.
I am not having any issue, I’ll try to find out from the host.

Thank you

I’ll see what I can fix.

? Keeping “dot” in the URL instead of replacing it?

I am sure PaulOB is doing it corectly as he has gone to that test page quite few times in the last days.

I removed most of the duplicate IDs, save few of them necessary for targetting the tabs as suggested by PaulOB in previous threads.

I found the problem and it was caused by a cookie from CSS terminal which I use for live debugging. I’ve deleted the cookie and can access the site again.:smile:

Indeed that’s what I was suggested by the host, not specifically css terminal, but a cookie issue in general.

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