Link building

Hi everyone,
I am in the process of building my online portfolio site. One of the things I want to do in an attempt to optimize where my site stands in the organic search results is link building.
I was wondering if I need permission to link to various web sites, for example if I wanted to link to the sitepoint web site would I need to get something in writing to say that it is ok for me to do so?
By the way if you want to check out my site it’s <snip></snip>
All the best,

Thank you Stevie, much appreciated.

Well you can link to other sites without needing a permission … finally this is all web about :slight_smile:

forums are best for non-permission. The your own blogs. and blog commenting where you might need to have acceptance.

Not at all. You can provide a link to any site/page you want, as long as:

[list][]you do so in a fair way that is not defamatory or unduly negative about the site you are linking to
]you do not provide general access to a site or part of a site that has restricted access (eg by giving out your username and password)
[*]you respect a site’s restrictions on whether you can use its logo to link with - some organisations are fine with you using their logo as a link, but others aren’t.[/list]