Like script

Hello L,

I m using a script for like , unlikes. It stores makes the cookie for particular id for a system and stores it so that from system no one can like or unlike to that particular id again.

My problem is that i am using that script in more than one pages, which offers the like unlike system. Now if i liked say id 1 in one page and then trying to like id 1 on another pge, then that is giving me a error: already liked. whar should i do??

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
	//####### on page load, retrive votes for each content
	$.each( $('.voting_wrapper'), function(){
		//retrive unique id from this voting_wrapper element
		var unique_id = $(this).attr("id");
		//prepare post content
		post_data = {'unique_id':unique_id, 'vote':'fetch'};
		//send our data to "vote_process.php" using jQuery $.post()
		$.post('commentvote_process.php', post_data,  function(response) {
				//retrive votes from server, replace each vote count text
				$('#'+unique_id+' .up_votes').text(response.vote_up); 
				$('#'+unique_id+' .down_votes').text(response.vote_down);

	//####### on button click, get user vote and send it to vote_process.php using jQuery $.post().
	$(".voting_wrapper .voting_btn").click(function (e) {
		//get class name (down_button / up_button) of clicked element
		var clicked_button = $(this).children().attr('class');
		//get unique ID from voted parent element
		var unique_id 	= $(this).parent().attr("id"); 
		if(clicked_button==='down_button') //user disliked the content
			//prepare post content
			post_data = {'unique_id':unique_id, 'vote':'down'};
			//send our data to "vote_process.php" using jQuery $.post()
			$.post('commentvote_process.php', post_data, function(data) {
				//replace vote down count text with new values
				$('#'+unique_id+' .down_votes').text(data);
				//thank user for the dislike
				alert("Thanks! Each Vote Counts, Even Dislikes!");
			}).fail(function(err) { 
			//alert user about the HTTP server error
		else if(clicked_button==='up_button') //user liked the content
			//prepare post content
			post_data = {'unique_id':unique_id, 'vote':'up'};
			//send our data to "vote_process.php" using jQuery $.post()
			$.post('commentvote_process.php', post_data, function(data) {
				//replace vote up count text with new values
				$('#'+unique_id+' .up_votes').text(data);
				//thank user for liking the content
				alert("Thanks! For Liking This Content.");
			}).fail(function(err) { 
			//alert user about the HTTP server error


Is the problem simply that your unique id isn’t unique?

Maybe prefix the numerical id with the type or table name, e.g. car-1, and on another page biscuit-1

1 Like

Your idea worked like a charm and solved my problem…

Thanks alot