json_encode() wrong result?

Hi guys,

I’ve tried converting PHP array into JavaScript array.

		//Get all data category from database.
		$result = $this->classes_mdl->get_classes_name2();
		//convert PHP array to JS array.
		echo "<script>"
		    . "var classnames = " . json_encode($result) . ";"
		    . "</script>";

                //print values for testing only

and the result was,

[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

So what was my mistake?

Try using console.log() instead of document.write. The objects are there, but document.write isn’t good at showing them.

@Jeff_Mott ;

I’ve changed the codes a little,

		//Get all data category from database.
		$result = $this->classes_mdl->get_classes_name2();
		//convert PHP array to JS array.		
		$js_array = json_encode($result);
		//Converting to JS array.
		var classnames =  <?php echo $js_array; ?>;
		//print classnames variable.

And it works and the result was this,

[Object { nameclass="chemistry"},
 Object { nameclass="class1"},
 Object { nameclass="class2"},
 Object { nameclass="Physics"}]

Now how do I convert classnames array above into this array example below,

 var classnames = [

Thanks in advance.

Or change how your JavaScript writes it

for (item in classnames)

@cpradio ;

Thanks for the hint dude.
I already figured it out.

		//Converting to JS array.
		var classnames =  <?php echo $js_array; ?>;
		var x;
		var availableTags = [];
		for (x in classnames) {
		  availableTags[x] = classnames[x].nameclass;

Problem solved.

Are you going to be using that classnames variable elsewhere? If not, you could get PHP to spit out a JSON array of the names for you.

@Salathe ;
Can you show me the sample codes.
Thanks in advance.