For some reason, that fiddle doesn’t display anything for me - just empty code windows. Does it look OK to you?
I do see the code in the fiddle…probably the problem is in your side.
Yes, but nothing in the HTML, CSS or JavaScript panes?
Is there something that I don’t know about?
Could it be browser related? Which browser are you using?
I’m on iOS Safari at the moment. It never normally has an issue with jsfiddle.
iPad Safari
I noticed it’s been loading with “dark theme” lately too. That change has been since a while after I last upgraded the browser, so I’m at a loss. I’ll check a couple other browsers now.
I have that too, and can perform a confirmation test in that regard. IOS Safari shows nothing in the code area.
IOS Chrome has the same problem too.
That’s odd, Chrome is what works for me.
iPad Safari, Firefox and Opera Mini - empty code panes
iPad Chrome - as expected.
Very odd. I’ve got nothing on iPad Chrome either
Does anyone feel like submitting an issue about this to
I just tried a different jsfiddle (the previous posted link is now broken) with my desktop browsers.
Vivaldi, Opera Dev, Chrome, Edge = OK
Firefox, Chromium, Ubuntu Web Browser - Windows 10 host, Ubuntu guest VM = OK
Opera (older version) and IE11 = not ok.
My guess is jsfiddle not having a CSS fallback for calc fails.
Safari & iOS Safari (both 6 and 7) does not support viewport units (vw, vh, etc) in calc().
Late to the party, but I’ve been having issues with blank panes in JSFiddle on both Firefox 57 on Ubuntu Gnome, and Firefox on Android. I can’t remember when I first noticed it; maybe about 10 days ago.
Is it possible that @asasass might have worn it out.
Fixed or not so easy to replicate. I tried a recent jsfiddle with desktop IE11 and Opera - that were broken before with the other fiddle - they are now OK with the one I tried. I tried the same recent jsfiddle with all my iPad browsers, all were OK.
I haven’t changed any of my browser settings, so if I don’t see the problem again I’ll guess it was fixed. If I do see the problem again I’ll guess it has to do with the way a fiddle is created or maybe server related.
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