jQuery UI connected list and PHP/Mysql

I’m using the jQuery UI sortable with connected list.

This is what I want to do:

I want to have two lists. When I drag something from the right to the left it will give me the items in the left side with the order, it WONT give me the items in the right side.

When I move something from the left to the right, it will only give me the 1 item that I moved to the right.

This is what I have right now:

My current code:

      $(function() {
        $( "#sortable1, #sortable2" ).sortable({
          connectWith: ".connectedSortable",
          placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",

          update: function() {

                 var order = $('#sortable1').sortable('serialize');


  $.post('/admin/ajaxthinker', {newPosition: order}, function(returnVal) {
                // Stuff to do on AJAX post success


        remove: function() {

       var order2 = $('#sortable2').sortable('serialize');


  $.post('/admin/ajaxthinker', {rightPosition: order2}, function(returnVal) {
                // Stuff to do on AJAX post success


    <div class="content connectedSortable" id="sortable1">


    <div class="content connectedSortable" id="sortable2">
            <span id="item_1">Item 1</span>
            <span id="item_2">Item 2</span>

What this code does:

When I move something from the right to the left, it throws in the console the item I just moved TWICE, and gives me the element that says in the right side ie:


When I move another item from the right to the left it gives me it gives me both elements, TWICE and the empty element for the right side:



If I try to sort the elements, it doesn’t gives me the new sorting.

When I move an item from the left to the right it again tells me which elements are in the left side TWICE and the element in the right side:


I hope this is clear enough. At the end what I would like is to get all that data through ajax and insert or delete rows from a table.