JQuery is not available. Would anybody be able to help me please?

I am trying to get a JQuery code converted into JavaScript, as JQuery is not available.
Would anybody be able to help me please?
this code jquery:
1- https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js

2- http://leafo.net/sticky-kit/src/jquery.sticky-kit.js

                                                          Thank you

jQuery is JavaScript, so there’s nothing to convert.

What do you mean by JQuery is not available?

that block the display of my site web and thus delay.

But What is the difference between Javascript and JQuery ?

This is a good resource for anyone curious:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

JavaScript is a plain vanilla programming language recognised by browsers at the client level and (increasingly) servers too. By itself it does nothing much, you need to programme something with it.

jQuery is a library of pre-configured functions, written in JavaScript.

jQuery is intended to be a timesaver, as it contains numerous pieces of functionality that could take hours to write if you were to start writing it in JavaScript from scratch.

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thank you very much for the information, ^^ I think remore code jquery because that block the display of my site web and thus delay. and when we remove code jqueyry I losed the adgets in template my site web , thank you :slight_smile:

Just move all your JS to the bottom of the page right before the closing </body> tag, and it will get loaded/parsed after the content of your page.

Well, jQuery is an abstraction of JS and is what JS should have been in the first place. And the “youmightnotneedjquery” article actually shows why, I would say.
There is still to many browser inconsistencies, IE 10 and 11 are nowhere near flawless, stock Android browser is very very bad, there is just too much stuff.
In the end, it helps with productivity, as long people understand how the JS behind works.

Yes, same language, but much much easier to use and efficient.

It used to - almost all of the useful jQuery commands now have native JavaScript equivalents so the latest jQuery version is little more than a wrapper around individual JavaScript commands just to save people from having to rewrite their jQuery back into the native equivalents.

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despite the most useful one: DOM iteration, which is still a PITA in vanilla JS.


Also, if file size is a concern, jQuery 3 is optionally available as a “slim” version sans effects (which are way too expensive anyway), AJAX and deprecated code… saves you around 25%.

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