jQuery Init() Function to launch Booking.com widget not working

I’m trying to get the “Booking.com Deals Finder” widget to load it’s hotel listings in a table according to the codes from the JSON below:

var StatJSON = {
        "Option1": {
            "ColHeading": "Lansdowne",
            "Hotel": "2220961/-2102492/city",
        "Option2": {
            "ColHeading": "Dehradun",
            "Hotel": "2220961/-2102492/city",
        "Option3": {
            "ColHeading": "Mussoorie",
            "Hotel": "2220961/-2102492/city",

The Table is populated by the following code:

jQuery('#divResult table tbody tr td').each(function ($) {
    if (jQuery(this).text() == 'Hotel') jQuery(this).nextAll("td").each(function ($) {
        var DataAid = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[0];
        var DestAid = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[1];
        var DestType = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[2];
        jQuery(this).html('<div style="width:100%; margin-top:4px;"><ins class="bookingaff" data-aid="'+ DataAid +'" data-target_aid="'+ DataAid +'" data-prod="dfl2" data-width="100%" data-height="auto" data-lang="en" data-dest_id="'+ DestAid +'" data-dest_type="'+ DestType +'" data-df_num_properties="3"><a href="//www.booking.com?aid='+ DataAid +'">Booking.com</a></ins></div>')

The function for the widget is kept at the end of the ‘script’ as below:

(function(d, sc, u) {
    var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.async = true;
    s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());
    })(document, 'script', '//cf.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js');

However the “iframes” in the widget were not initializing as required when the table is populated.

Hence, I tried using the “.init()” to initialize the function every-time the table is populated. I nested the booking.com script into another function calling it ‘Booking’ as below:

(function(Booking) {
    (function(d, sc, u) {
        var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];
        s.type = 'text/javascript';
        s.async = true;
        s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());
    })(document, 'script', '//cf.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js');

And then I use .init(Booking) to call upon the jquery everytime the cell is populated with the respective codes as below.

jQuery('#divResult table tbody tr td').each(function ($) {
    if (jQuery(this).text() == 'Hotel') jQuery(this).nextAll("td").each(function ($) {
        var DataAid = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[0];
        var DestAid = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[1];
        var DestType = jQuery(this).text().split('/')[2];
        jQuery(this).html('<div style="width:100%; margin-top:4px;"><ins class="bookingaff" data-aid="'+ DataAid +'" data-target_aid="'+ DataAid +'" data-prod="dfl2" data-width="100%" data-height="auto" data-lang="en" data-dest_id="'+ DestAid +'" data-dest_type="'+ DestType +'" data-df_num_properties="3"><a href="//www.booking.com?aid='+ DataAid +'">Booking.com</a></ins></div>')

This however doesn’t work and I get an error Uncaught ReferenceError: Booking is not defined .

How do I ensure that the widgets initialize everytime the table is loaded??

Full working code in below fiddle:

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