Jquery.fn.validate to work with from by form name NOT just FORM (specific)

I would like to initate the jquery.validation as is but for a specific form by form name. I can’t seem to understand what do change everything I tried it still does not validate or change for that form only***

It is not validating this form only, it is ignoring it all together. PLEASE ADVISE…

     jQuery.fn.validated = function(sendTransfer){
              if (this.tagName == "transferVerify") {
							//$('#button-2').attr('class', cursor);
								return false;
							 } else {
    						$("#loading-div-background").css({ opacity: 0.8 });
								return true;				
                    if (ValidationErrors[jQuery(this).attr("id")].length == 0)
					return false;

I got this in place

function SendTransferAction(){	
    alert('ia m transferrring');
				          //Add errors here
							//$('#button-2').attr('class', cursor);
			                alert('ia m here transferrring');						
								return false; 
							 } else {
    						$("#loading-div-background").css({ opacity: 0.8 });
                            alert('done transferrring');							
								return true;				
                    if (ValidationErrors[jQuery(this).attr("id")].length == 0) 
					return false;

but need to added the validation expression for that field on form.

                expression: "if (VAL) return true; else return false;",
                message: "Please enter correct Capthcha Code"

forms don’t have names (only fields inside of forms have names) - if you want to restrict processing to a specific form then reference the form by its id.