JavaScript DIY Smart Glasses Progress

So I’ve been working on a tool to help people with disabilities browse the web handsfree. Here’s a quick history of the project (links to code, prototypes, etc in description if interested…it’s all buggy still so maybe just watch :joy:):

Because I’m extremely low income, I walk everywhere. A lot. I live on the outskirts of Portland, OR which is a very eccentric city and I’m always running into oddities (people, places, things). I recently had a thought: “instead of pointing the camera at you, what if it was pointed the other way?”

The idea is that when the camera is pointed at you, you’re web browsing - in other words, you’re getting information from the internet. But if the camera is pointed away from you then you can use the internet to get information about your environment.

So I used tools I had in my apartment to hack a $13 WiFi drone:

And I just managed to get the glasses working! (excuse the poor lighting)

My next steps is to use TensorFlow.js to do basic object classification. There’s no screen (it’s basically just a WiFi camera) but because it’s connected to your device you can hear via your headphones. Everything above (minus the actual stream) is powered by JavaScript through a web browser.

I recently got to chat with the founder of the “Seeing AI” app (he now heads Aira, a smart glasses company for the blind) and I’ve been getting flooded with ideas. Ultimately, this is what I’m building (imagine you use these glasses instead of the phone):

Total cost of materials so far have been $13, but that’s because I ripped apart a drone. Sourcing the materials myself, I should be able to create a DIY parts list for people. And by attaching the components to a glasses arm sleeve, you can retrofit any pair of glasses for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee (minus shipping)!

These don’t actually have a display, the idea being you would have headphones and it would just dictate to you but you could sign in front of your face to activate commands - sort of like this demo (also done in JavaScript):

Anyways, I’ll update again soon once I actually get the computer vision working on it! Let me know what you think of it, and what use cases you think it could be used for!


Check it out! I’m using Google’s Teachable Machine code to translate my hand gestures to Emoji’s (there’s no actual machine learning code required, you just press buttons). I think I might be able to translate sign language in real time with enough work!

For it to be useful, I would have to have earplugs or something and instead of emoji’s it would dictate what it’s seeing as I’m just seeing what’s to the left (what I actually see in real life).

I might do one more update tomorrow and then switch back to my other project because I can already see myself going down crazy rabbit holes


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