Is Wordpress the solution for me?

I’m considering a wordpress conversion for two reasons:

  1. I’m going to install review pages like these:

WP has great plugins for this purpose.

  1. I’m going to start publishing articles and blog entries meant to bring more traffic to my site. My traditional html site is very difficult for this purpose, because I have to constantly change menus and indexes.

I’m worried about the conversion because of the cost, and more importantly, losing my search engine rankings.

Is it worth making the jump?

You may also want to consider Joomla! instead of the WP. It has lots of add-ons as well as great community support. It’s great for publishing articles and I believe more powerfull than the WP.

Is that because you’ll get someone to do it for you? Otherwise, WP is free.

and more importantly, losing my search engine rankings.

You can redirect the old pages to the new ones (and vice versa) if necessary, which should keep your rankings intact.

Is it worth making the jump?

Certainly sounds like it is to me.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes, I’ve used Wordpress before and know how to install/add plugins/add posts/pages.

Just worried about losing page rank and search engine positions. But I think it’s worth the long term investment. If anyone can recommend a co. to do the conversion, that would be great.

It still costs in time + price of any commercial addons etc :slight_smile:

@ acecars - I agree it’s probably worth taking the jump but I’d suggest installing Wordpress for yourself at trying it out before you commit. Also don’t rule out other CMS’s as well just in case WP doesn’t fit your needs!