Is this Wifi Booster is helpful

I’ve been searching for wifi booster and i found this from google, I actually want to ask you all that should i go with it. because I want to increase the speed of my wifi and I only do this with the help of software, One of my friends told me to download wifi booster software, so what should i do. Please suggest me.

It looks like a scam to me, I don’t see how software will speed up your connection x10. Probably installs “bad” stuff on your computer.


Is it just one location where you’ve got wi-fi problems? if it is and both the problem location and where the router is are on the same electrical ring main then you might be better off going for a networking over the mains setup

Yes, i will try that.

Hi there! I was able to check it and I’m not really convinced… Looks more like a scam…:slight_smile: Well at least, that my opinion on this matter…:slight_smile:

Hope this helps!:slight_smile:

as @SpacePhoenix says a wifi plugin booster is your best bet if your have a poor signal in your house. Or I have 2 routers and just plug one into the other via an ethernet cable so it provides 2 wifi connections one each end of the room so it services the house a bit more. I just connect to the one that is stronger depending where i am in the house.

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