Is there is any plugin or method to insert whatsapp contact in wordpress site?

I want to add whatsapp widget on a wordpress website which will help users to join the group which I created on Whatsapp. I tried searching for a plugin, but all of them are made for sharing the post on whatsapp. But, there is not plugin which can fulfill the above requirement.

Is there is any plugin or possible way to put that feature to a wordpress site?

Is this the sort of thing you are looking for? Whatsapp Contact Form 7 Integration

I’m not exactly sure of your specific requirements, so you would have to take a look at the specs yourself. But you may also find other possibilities by Googling.

Thanks for your reply.

Though, I am not looking for something like this. I am looking for a plugin which will allow visitors to join a whatsapp group.

Or, if it is not possible then putting a whatsapp box and giving the visitors a clickable number which they can simply click and add to contacts to join the group.

Anything which will help visitors join whatsapp group easily.


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