Is there any plugin that can support all types of video formats(.mp4,.3gpp,.wmv,.avi)?

Hi there

I am working on a web application where there is an option for video display.
Mean user can upload a video and when user login using its profile then he/she can also view their uploaded videos.

My Question is although I read about

How to handle this seneraio?


You can use video.js which is an open source HTML5 video player.

###From the docs:

With Video.js you just use an HTML5 video tag to embed a video. Video.js will then read the tag and make it work in all browsers, not just ones that support HTML5 video.

I also need to show videos as gallery so which Plugin I should use?

Could you give me an example of what you mean by “Video Gallery”?

I am getting my answar in this thread

Sorry for repost

Moderator-Can close one thread

Okay. Thanks.