How to automatically search in file A and if it contains the text of file B then replacing that text with the text of file C (automatically means not in Vim or Nano but with some program to do this automatically)?
sed or awk are not fit for the job because they are meant for single-lined replacements and not for multi-lined replacements.
How would you do this with C/Perl/Python/PHP/Node.js or something else?
In this case I must do the search (and possible replace) from CLUI because it’s done from cron every minute anew.
Well, each time I change the text manually in Drupal core and then update the Drupal core, the text change will be deleted, so I want to push the change each minute anew.
Of course, I can add and maintain some Twig code to my Drupal theme but for this particular textual change, I really want to avoid that.
import re
# Open the file you want to search
with open('a.html', 'r') as file:
# Read the contents of the file
contents_a =
with open('b.html', 'r') as file:
# Read the contents of the file
contents_b =
with open('c.html', 'r') as file:
# Read the contents of the file
contents_c =
# print(contents_a)
# Use the function to search for the pattern in the file contents
match =, contents_a)
# Check if a match was found
if match:
print(f'Match found at position {match.start()}')
contents_new = contents_a.replace(contents_b, contents_c)
with open('a.html', 'w') as file:
print('No match found')