Is there a good way to concatenate this so I can have a single query instead of 3 queries in mysql?

In this example, I have 3 separate queries. I would like just one query under the condition, that it only updates a changed column in a record. I would like to do that, so I can also return an error on just 1 query instead of 3.


$servername = "";
$username = "root";
$password = "root";
$dbname = "myDB";

$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (!$conn) {
	die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

$title = $_POST["title"];
$_title = mysqli_escape_string($conn, $title);	

$publisher = $_POST["publisher"];
$_publisher = mysqli_escape_string($conn, $publisher);

$developer = $_POST["developer"];
$_developer = mysqli_escape_string($conn, $developer);	

if (!empty($_title) or !empty($_publisher) or !empty($_developer) ) {
	if (!empty($_title)) {
		$sql = "UPDATE Games SET title='$_title' WHERE id=2";
		mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

	if (!empty($_publisher)) {
		$sql = "UPDATE Games SET publisher='$_publisher' WHERE id=2";
		mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

	if (!empty($_developer)) {
		$sql = "UPDATE Games SET developer='$_developer' WHERE id=2";
		mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

	echo "Records updated!";


You could do something like:

if (!empty($_title) or !empty($_publisher) or !empty($_developer) ) {
        $sql = "UPDATE Games SET ";
        $first = true;
	if (!empty($_title)) {
		$sql .= "title='$_title'";
                $first = false;

	if (!empty($_publisher)) {
                if ($first == false) $sql .= ", "; 
		$sql .= "publisher='$_publisher'";
                $first = false;
	if (!empty($_developer)) {
                if ($first == false) $sql .= ", "; 
		$sql .= "developer='$_developer'";
        $sql .= " WHERE id=2";
        if (! mysqli_query($conn, $sql))  {
             echo "Something went wrong.";
        else {
	echo "Records updated!";

But you should really look at using prepared statements instead, which would make your query that little bit safer, especially if it uses user-supplied text.

exactly what I was looking for. I had a little confusion about how to accurately update commas ‘,’ in the sql string. Thanks!

It’s just a case of noting whether you’ve previously put an update field in, and if you did, add the comma.

But, you could still change it to use a prepared statement. If this is new code, it’d be worth doing that as you create it rather than trying to go back later on and change working code.

I don’t know what a prepared statement is, but I heard of it mentioned before. I will look into this.

Ok, I looked it up. very helpful!

One of the things it will help with, in your specific example above, is if the title is something like “Fred’s Quest”. In the code above, there will be a syntax error because of the apostrophe, with a prepared statement there will not.

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