Is it possible in wordpress

Hi, I am still newbie in wordpress,I just want to ask that,is it possible to create my own database in Wordpress?..and is it possible to change the Wordpress page design?.

Thank you in advance.

Hi Jemz,

The very reason you reason you would use a content management system like WordPress is so that you don’t have to create your own DB from scratch. Creating your own custom database from experience is a pain as you’d need to set primary keys and perform links between each table, and it would be impossible to pull it off in WordPress as it comes with a pre created tables.

You can manipulate the database in WordPress quite easily, always backup your database before you start manipulation.

A page design can be customized in WordPress, and has nothing to do with your database. If you’re a newbee I would suggest you pick a pre-made them and create something from there. There are dozens of WordPress themes.

The term database often means different things to different people. Many of my clients use the term “database” to describe listings of all of their contacts whereas I would call that a contact relations management application. What do you mean when you ask whether it’s possible to create your own “Database”?

The process of changing the design part of a content management system like Wordpress is called “Theming”. I work with a different CMS that Wordpress but the process of apply your design to the CMS is pretty much the same from system to system. I would have a look at a book on Theming Wordpress like this one:


@Sega and @awason, Thank you for giving some advice and idea…:slight_smile:

You can change designs of all type of pages in Wordpress. Just open the theme files(/wp-content/themes/themename) and do the modifications on style.css.