Is it good idea to read programming books?

Mostly I prefer ebooks (bought), so I can read anytime from anywhere without lifting it. Now, is it a good idea to read programming books, first time I had bought “Head first Java 2nd Edition”, then I realize, I would get more interesting points over at the internet, yes the book is also illustrated very well to understand the topics clearly. But now these days, we have lots of paid, free coaching/video tutorials, udemy, Lynda, etc. type sites, then do you still think we should read those books?

Absolutely! Read and keep for reference. Replace with extended topics when your skills gets more advanced. The search function and a good TOC is important I think, and a list of bookmarks is very useful.

The online resources may not be available when you need them to revive something, or is akward to find what you need in, especially lengthy videos without a table of content.

I actually much appreciate printed books. I find them easy to find stuff in, though they can’t be searched like an ebook or ilks.

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Sometimes I prefer books. The project-based books allow me to go at my own pace and jump around the topics if I want - much more easily than with video tutorials. I can have the book and my laptop open at the same time and work through the book, instead of having to switch windows all the time. I also like to mark up my books with highlighting and notes.

The reference books are very handy to have, but I wouldn’t read them through. I tried that once with a JavaScript book but it quickly got very dry and I lost interest when it spent several chapters early on dealing with data types in too much detail. In this case, I probably prefer looking up information on the internet.

Reminds me of…

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I highly recommend it. both ebooks and learning from different sources online. the more knowledge the more power.

Yes its a very good idea. You will get lots of information by this. Reading Ebooks helps me a lot.

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