Hai being an electrical background whether it is a good desition to switch over my career to digital marketing at the age of 29, please share your thoughts.
Mainly I don’t like electrical rather I love the marketing profession.
Hello, today digital marketing is having an immense scope as the number of internet users is increasing day by day. This field is new and in its growing phase so currently there is a high demand for skilled digital marketers. As you have mentioned that you are interested in marketing so it will be a good decision to switch into digital marketing. You can join an institute which can teach you in practical ways as digital marketing is all about practical implementation of your learned skills.
I hope this will help.
Heartly Thank you, Mr Pradeep, for responding to my question and it will be great enthusiasm for my feature career.
It is a good decision to choose a career in digital marketing because it is a fast-paced and dynamic field. It creates huge opportunities for everyone. Digital marketing doesn’t need from which background you’re it needs skills to communicate and creating new ideas, sharing your thoughts. Only passionate people, creative ideas in marketing can work in this field. Hope this suggestion helps you.
I wholly disagree with that statement based purely on the amount of spam I receive on a daily basis.
As far as career advice: Don’t get career advice from an open web forum. Same way you shouldn’t get legal advice from wikipedia. Do what you love to do.
It is the best platform and booming all over the world.
Thanks a lot
Every profession is good but it depends on you which one you chooses.
Digital Marketing is perfect one with great opportunities. Keep one thing in your mind that if you have to grow with better results then you have to be smart and creative Digital Marketer.
That’s the matter of your preferences and capabilities. Digital marketing can really do you a favor when opening a startup etc.
You just answered yourself, don’t you think?
Yes Digital Marketing is a best platform to make your career bright.
And why is that, @techasoft?
A sweeping statement like that without any explanation to back it up is of little use to anyone.
Digital Marketing is the good platform for those people who can think about new and good strategies every second. Digital marketing just needs good ideas and best annalist.
Digital marketing is a good platform to build one’s career. But you are 29 with an electrical background so think twice about it. Age is just a number but when its about changing field it can become a little complicated.
It’s definetely a good career path, however, you’ll have to accomplish a fair share of menial tasks until it will become interesting.
yes digital marketing is the stunning platform to switch over your career, it don’t need any graduation. only interest and creative thinking and most importantly you need to ready for reed and implement more seo,sem,smm strategy in your website, just trial and error.
Ya, this is the best platform there is more scope in future. So there is no problem in switching your carrier.
1: If you’re going to try digital marketing, learn to spell in the language you’re trying to market in. Some of the posts in this thread would have me running away from everything they sell just because of the broken English and horrible spelling.
2: There is plenty of work in digital marketing, but that also makes it a highly competitive space. Don’t assume you’re going to switch careers and suddenly money starts falling out of the sky for you. Opening yourself to a global market means you’re a much smaller fish in a very, very big ocean.
3: The old mantra of ‘Do what you love, and you’ll love what you do’ still applies. If you like digital marketing, go for it. If you don’t, consider why you’re thinking about a career change, and whether it’s the right thing for you, or if you’re just trying to catch a trend.
You should do what you like…
Just in case it is somehow unclear, let me explain that the words “digital marketing” in the title of a topic do not grant you permission to post Spam / self-promotional links.
I am tired of removing such posts from this thread, and any more such posts will be treated as Spam and result in the suspension of the offender’s account.