I have a div the has overflow: hidden and -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch. The problem is that z-index is being ignored on elements some elements. This seemed to start with iOS6 on the iPad 2. I don’t remember this being a problem with iOS 5. Here’s a jsfiddle link: (You will need to scroll horizontally to see the whole page).
The full code is also below the text:
Now to see the problem, swipe horizontally across the black squares. You should see the off screen content come into view, BUT the yellow boxes that were off screen are no longer below the black box - until they scrolling has come to a complete stop. Then the yellow boxes obey the z-index that is set for them.
This is a pared down code from a site in development. I tried to get just the parts that are relevant to the problem. Any idea on this would be greatly appreciated. I’ve struggled with this for a while now and can’t seem to figure it out.
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setTimeout(function() {
// Move each project box
$('.box').each(function(index) {
var cssObj = {};
cssObj[cssTransform] = 'translate3d('+(index*boxWidthTranslate)+'px,0,0)';
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if (index == boxCountZero) {
// Wait for css to "take"
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$(window).load(function() {
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// Wait for all css3 elements to be set then move them
var css3SetCheck = setInterval(function() {
if (css3SetCheckCount == 2) {
// Reset row_outer opacity:1 (visibile) in case this is an iPad
var transitionCount = 0;
// The math for transitionTotal = (number of boxes - 1 + the containing div - 1), i.e. (6 - 1 + 1 - 1)
// Number of boxes - 1 , because the first box is not being transitioned, because it's already at zero before the transitions start
// The -1 at the end of the equation is because we are starting the counter at 0, and not 1
// But because we are starting the counter at zero, we can use the exact number of boxes as the reference
var transitionTotal = numberOfBoxesInAllRows - 1;
document.getElementById('row_inner').addEventListener(transEnd, function(e) {
if (transitionCount == transitionTotal) {
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// Drop down nav tabs
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var t = $(this);
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transEnd = 'transitionend,oTransitionEnd,transitionend,webkitTransitionEnd'.split(','),
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pfx = '';
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if ( prop in div.style ) {
//return [true,pfx,getTransEnd()];
return [true,pfx,'transitionend'];
prop = prop.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(val) {
return val.toUpperCase();
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if ( vendors[len] + prop in div.style ) {
pfx = '-' + vendors[len].toLowerCase() + '-';
return [true,pfx,transEnd[len]];
return false;
function getTransEnd() {
while(len--) {
if ( vendors[len] + prop in div.style ) {
return transEnd[len];
var css3support = supports('transform');
var bpfx = css3support[1];
var transEnd = css3support[2];
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